Directed by Georgia Oakley
Starring Rosy McEwen, Kerrie Hayes and Lucy Halliday
In Cinemas February 10
In 1988, the queer community was faced with yet another adversity when Thatcher’s government implemented ‘Section 28’, a law which aimed to ban the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ in places such as schools and councils.
This juncture in British history provides the focus of Georgia Oakley’s quietly tense debut Blue Jean, which stars Rosy McEwen, Kerrie Hayes and newcomer Lucy Halliday.
Set in the north-east of Britain, McEwen plays Jean, a lesbian PE teacher forced to live a double life under Conservative rule. Whilst she has been able to maintain these two sides of herself for as long as she can remember, the arrival of new student Lois (Halliday), who is also gay, heightens workplace suspicion as Jean is torn between staying true to her community and protecting herself.
With Blue Jean in cinemas on February 10th, we’ll help you find your nearest screening so you don’t miss out on this future queer classic.