Teenage Kicks
How the stars of Rocks spent a summer like no otheR
You’re a teenager, in the midst of studying for exams, planning Leaver’s Days and as it happens, doing publicity for your first ever feature film, when a global pandemic brings the world to a standstill. Like millions of teenagers around the country, that is exactly what happened for Bukky Bakray and Kosar Ali, the two breakout stars of new film Rocks, which after months of waiting makes it way to cinemas this month.
The two first-time actors juggled their school work and teenage life with filming, only for cinemas to close on the eve of the film’s original release in March. Now, as the film prepares to open in cinemas on Friday, we caught up with both of them to ask them about the past few months - not as actors waiting on their film to come out, but as the teenagers who missed school and exams and spent a summer social distancing from their friends.
MASSIVE: What do you remember about the beginning of lockdown - finding out that school was closing?
Bukky Bakray: I was still going to school for a bit but me and a few students and teachers knew that week was going to be our last. Selfishly, a small part of me was relieved because it was going to be a long break but I was also scared. We had always learnt about pandemics and epidemics in biology, and I never thought I would actually live through one.
Kosar Ali: I remember the news and the world going crazy and all these different stories to take in at once. It was getting a little scary, but it really hit hard when we found out we weren’t doing our GCSEs or having a Leaver’s Day. It was all really abrupt - we went into school one day and just said goodbye. I don’t know if anyone knew how to feel in that moment.
How did it feel when you were told you might not do any exams?
BB: Because I’m was in Year 12, I actually did my exams during quarantine, but it was incredibly stressful.
KA: It was a really weird one. Part of me was excited at first, but when I was on FaceTime with my friends and we were really deeping what had happened and how five years of hard work had gone to waste, I felt confused and lost.
Are you happy with your results?
BB: I did okay in the end - could have done better but we move.
KA: I’ve got to be grateful because I did pretty well and I got grades I was very, very happy with. It did feel weird not sitting them, but it turned out well in the end.
How did you manage to keep in touch with friends, not seeing them every day?
BB: Social media! Instagram became the norm for my friends.
KA: At first everyone was talking and facetiming, but as time went on everyone became more distant. It got a bit antisocial, I think.
Since lockdown has lifted and your ‘normal’ summer holidays began, what have you been doing?
BB: I've gotten so used to being at home. Most days I would work out and watch films. I’ve rewatched the wire (again) and anybody who knows that show knows how long it is! It has been was nice to be able to chill with my girlfriends again.
KA: It still isn’t completely ‘normal’ having to queue for a restaurant and having to social distance, but I guess this is the new normal that we have to adapt too. I miss last summer when we would go to block parties and barbecues and theme parks.
Have you got together with friends, socially distanced?
BB: Yes! It’s been really nice to see my friends, greeting each other with our elbows. Even if it does feel like we are living in an episode of Black Mirror.
KA: Yeah, we’ve had socially distanced picnics and gone out to restaurants. It’s been really great to see each other again and for a second it felt like the old days.
We’ve sort of ‘lost’ a whole summer. What do you feel you’ve missed the most?
BB: I don't really like to look at it like I've missed anything. I'm grateful that I am healthy, and the people around me are well. Gratitude is definitely a must.
KA: I think just everyone being out, walking freely, no masks on our faces. I’m gutted that I didn’t get to document this summer with my friends, going to the beach and to parties like we normally would.
What’s next for you after Rocks?
BB: More art, more collaboration, more everything. Nothing but peace and light. I am excited for the future. I can't wait to get back behind the camera and tell true stories.
KA: I have to wait and see what’s next for me really, but I’m looking forward to auditioning again, creating scripts and writing stories. Hopefully I can go on to direct a few.
Rocks is streaming on Netflix now.